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תמונת הסופר/תאבי יולזרי

מאה שאלות Sentence Correction קשות

שאלות sentence correction ב GMAT

אוהבים GMAT? איך אפשר שלא? סוג השאלות הטריקי ביותר בפרק המילולי של המבחן הוא ללא ספק שאלות תיקון משפטים (sentence correction). השאלות הללו דורשות הכרות מצוינת עם הכללים הבסיסיים של אנגלית פורמלית (standard written English), אבל זה רחוק מלהיות מספיק. כדי להצליח בשאלות האלה אתם צריכים להיות חדים מאוד בכל הקשור לניתוח משפט, התעלמות מחלקים לא רלוונטים, השוואה בין תשובות ופסילת תשובות. בהרבה מובנים שאלות SC דומות ברוחן לשאלות דווקא מהפרק הכמותי של GMAT בהבט של היכולות האנליטיות להפריד מה שצריך להפריד ולחבר מה שצריך לחבר. בפוסט הזה ריכזתי (דרך אתר מאה שאלות SC קשות ביותר. על כמה תצליחו לענות נכון?

שאלות sentence correction ב GMAT

  1. There is a difference in the way the term

  2. Isotopes in the recently excavated bones of

  3. Having extracted the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes

  4. Until 2010, a state tax regulation known as

  5. The manager at the office supply store

  6. A 2009 study from the California State

  7. There is generally agreement that feral

  8. At the time of the Mexican agrarian

  9. First published in 1946, and comparing the

  10. Mrs. Merkel’s lack of quick or bold reaction

  11. U.S. officials said they are convinced that

  12. For the farmer who takes care to keep them

  13. The controversy has divided the Senate

  14. While airline travel can be detrimental to

  15. Originally a trading port, Hong-Kong, currently estimated to

  16. Since 1966, roughly 21 percent of those enlisted in the USMC

  17. The misnomer that sibling rivalry is a thing of the 'past'

  18. In assessing the problems faced by rural migrant workers,

  19. In good years, the patchwork of green fields that surround

  20. Hurricane resistant classification is given by the

  21. Classical guitar was neither prestigious nor was often

  22. A year advantage in a new computer product or process being

  23. Manifestations of the British Empire's colonial policy in

  24. To many critics, it seems strange for Ms. Tramonivic,

  25. Corporate finance committees do not plan the detailed

  26. After all the recent political changes

  27. Rivaling the pyramids of Egypt or even the ancient cities of

  28. It is no surprise that Riyadh, the Saudi capital where people

  29. The paradox of the Roman empires history is marked by the

  30. Neanderthals had a vocal tract that resembled those of the

  31. Contemporary accounts of the life of Charlemagne, crowned

  32. Constructive dialogue is one of the fundamentals

  33. Because the population is denser there and the automobile

  34. Jazz was neither popular nor was often played in auditoriums

  35. The recent discovery of a red oak tree sap that is

  36. Any medical test will sometimes fail to detect a condition

  37. Many employees in the energy sector must choose between jobs

  38. Rather than accept the throne of Kapilavastu, Lord Buddha

  39. Heightened land erosion, caused by human activity, has many

  40. The data being collected in the current geological survey

  41. The Queensway Tunnel was built in the 1930s

  42. The recent floods in Pakistan were caused by an incessant

  43. Building large new hospitals in the bistate area would

  44. Until 2010, a state tax regulation known as the â80-20 rule

  45. The recent spate of traffic jams on Beijing-Tibet highway

  46. Scientists have found new evidence of people initially

  47. In the late 1880s, the journalist Jacob Riis

  48. The proliferation of so-called cybersquatters, people who

  49. Stymieing the Armadas plans to meet up with the Duke of

  50. Of all the major developments in information technology that

  51. One result of the family's long ordeal at sea was

  52. Whereas the use of synthetic fertilizers has greatly

  53. Rather than accept the conventional wisdom that the earth

  54. The United States petroleum industry’s cost to meet

  55. Explorer Bob Ballard recently discovered a completely intact

  56. The Sri-NuanSri-Nuan dance and Teut-Teung dance are an

  57. According to a recent study of home buyers

  58. The preliminary agreement to what was to be

  59. The proliferation of so-called cybersquatters, people who

  60. From 1982 to 1987 sales of new small boats increased between

  61. As an actress, and more importantly as a teacher of acting

  62. Research during the past several decades on the nature of

  63. Astronomers have theorized that the Big Bang governs the

  64. The treaty specifies that the economy of the member nations

  65. Ending a contentious political stalemate that frightened

  66. Salmon oil is one of the best Omega-3 sources

  67. Australian embryologists have found evidence that suggests

  68. NASA's methodical approach to the exploration of Mars has not

  69. Like a protein rich diet that the healthy genes need to prod

  70. This century began with war brewing in Europe

  71. On Earth, among the surest indications of sunspot cycles are

  72. In a leveraged buyout, investors borrow huge sums of money

  73. In contrast to the tense private drama, Act III is brought

  74. Founded in 1983, the magazine increased its circulation more

  75. The first personal computers had severe hardware and

  76. Since the 1930's aircraft manufacturers have tried to build

  77. Because the Supreme Court has ruled that the prosecution

  78. In contrast to the declarations made at

  79. Patience Lovell Wright, whose traveling

  80. Agricultural scientists have estimated that

  81. Although dozens of New York s small museums

  82. Hoping the customers would not carelessly

  83. One of the greatest problems facing

  84. Medieval monks, through their manuscript

  85. Policy makers remain concerned about

  86. At the time of the Mexican agrarian

  87. The company's efforts to seek advance orders

  88. Examples of tulipomania

  89. As business grows more complex

  90. Often said to look like an egg crate

  91. Recent indications of weakness

  92. The adopted use of trained fighter horses

  93. Among lower- paid workers, union members

  94. The prime lending rate is a key rate in the

  95. Since the 1930s aircraft manufacturers

  96. Visby is the largest city on the Swedish

  97. Rumored, and believed by most

  98. The word horticulture originates from the

  99. His campaign for sanitary conditions in

  100. The word inspired is

שאלות sentence correction ב GMAT

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